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Genetic Algorithm

Genetic Algorithm Class​

The population is evolved by calling GeneticAlgorithm.evolve(). The specific implementation of the GA class is as follows:

public class GeneticAlgorithm {
private final Selection selection; //selection operator
private final Crossover crossover; //crossover operator
private final Mutation mutation; // mutation operator
private final double crossoverRate; //crossover rate
private final double mutationRate; //mutation rate

public GeneticAlgorithm(Selection selection, Crossover crossover, Mutation mutation, double crossoverRate, double mutationRate) {
this.selection = selection;
this.mutation = mutation;
this.crossover = crossover;
this.mutationRate = mutationRate;
this.crossoverRate = crossoverRate;

public Population evolve(Population population) {
List<Chromosome> nextGeneration = new ArrayList<>();
while (nextGeneration.size() < population.size()) {
Chromosome c1 =;
Chromosome c2 =;
ChromosomePair pair = new ChromosomePair(c1, c2);
if (randomGenerator.nextDouble() < crossoverRate) {
pair = this.crossover.crossover(c1, c2);
Chromosome first = pair.getFirst();
Chromosome second = pair.getSecond();
if (randomGenerator.nextDouble() < mutationRate) {
first = mutation.mutate(first);
if (randomGenerator.nextDouble() < mutationRate) {
second = mutation.mutate(second);
if (nextGeneration.size() < population.size()) {
return new Population(nextGeneration);


GeneticAlgorithm is instantiated with parameters and evolve function is called to generate a new population.

  GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(selection, crossover, mutation, crossoverRate, mutationRate);
Population newPopulation = ga.evolve(population);

Chromosome class​

After encoding each individual, use the encoded gene sequence to construct the individual's gene class.

public class Chromosome<T> {
private final List<T> sequence;
private final Integer fitness;
public Chromosome(List<T> list, Integer fitness) {
this.sequence = list; = fitness;

public Chromosome(List<T> list) {
this.sequence = list; = 5;

public List<T> getSequence(){
return this.sequence;

public Integer getFitness(){
return fitness;

Chromosome pair class​

Gene needs two gene sequences to be carried out at the same time during the crossover process, so a Chromosome packaging class is required

public class ChromosomePair {
private final Chromosome first;
private final Chromosome second;

public ChromosomePair(Chromosome c1, Chromosome c2) {
this.first = c1;
this.second = c2;


Population class​

Build a population from a list of chromosomes

public class Population {

private List<Chromosome> chromosomes;

public Population(List<Chromosome> chromosomes) {
this.chromosomes = chromosomes;

public int size(){
return chromosomes.size();

public Chromosome getChromosome(int index){
return chromosomes.get(index);

public List<Chromosome> getChromosomes(){
return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.chromosomes);


UML diagram​

UML diagram